Thursday, September 2, 2010

Getting back to work

          Rose and I seized the day.  I took an evergreen huckleberry started from a cutting in 2008, and we planted it on the hill above the tiny, almost-dry pond up in our woods.  It's been raining the last few days, through yesterday morning.  Today is sunny and warm, almost humid what with all the water scattered about by the rain.  And it was real rain, no sprinkle but winter-like and thorough.  
          Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to ask for my present to be help with planting a few more shrubs and bushes, and taking some photos to post here.  And I'll pick blackberries if there are any not moldy (rain's legacy), and harvest the basil, our biggest crop this too-cold summer.
There are zucchinis, but they get to an inch or two long and stop there.  The carrots are fine, the beans never made it past the slugs, deer, and moles (tunneling under them, uprooting them), the beets look okay.  Tomatillos are finally beginning to fruit.  Tomorrow I'll check the whole garden. Today it's too hot by this time, 11:30.  Odd summer!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you back blogging. Don't forget about iGoogle as your home page where you can see the blogs you follow.
