Sunday, September 19, 2010

Quick Trip

Rose and I made a quick trip out to plant a tree down by the river.  I took a little spruce and tried for a sunny spot on the riverbank.  Cut lots of blackberry vines out of the way, propped up a sagging wire cage around a 10-foot alder, found a T-post buried in the grasses and used it to help prop the wire, dug a planting hole and did the deed!  Two dead salmon in the river.  I cut more vines as I walked back up to the house.  110 trees/shrubs in the ground.
          Reminder to self:  dig the red alder seedlings still in the high school terraces.  Most of these were weed-whacked out by other people, but a few remain.  I can pot them up.  Here at home, my hanging Corsican mint planter is the best nursery for seedling Western redcedars.


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