Sunday, March 14, 2010

February 12 continued

          G still has pneumonia - is way under par, energy-wise, so we aren't getting lots done.  Even though this "tree a day" project is mine, I'm dependent on my time being free enough to keep up.  G is not a needy patient, it's not that.  It's only that I'm doing some of his usual work - and worrying about him.  We had anticipated many projects for last week-end (3 days) and this four-day one - Presidents' Day.
          I potted the two vine maples and 2 cottonwoods from YCSWCD to grow on that way.  Most others are in pots or stowed in sawdust, if bareroot.
          We stopped at Habitat for Humanitiy's ReStore in McMinnville, where they sell builders' left-overs, etc., to help fund building Habitat houses.  I got red, blue, and yellow tape there.  I had been thinking as we drove over that I needed spray paint or something to mark my different years of cuttings.  For instance, evergreen huckleberry new cuttings can look as large as year-old ones, but the root development will be quite different (we hope!).  I don't want to mix up my pots and cheat my 'customers' or plant out my little plants before they're ready.  I'm going to try to sell Vaccinium ovatum at $3.00 per gallon pot, to offset my seed/plant purchasing - mostly vegetable seeds, asparagus roots, etc.  So now my pots are color-coded by year.

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