Monday, March 22, 2010

March 13

This after two days of nasty, cold rain - so much of it that there are flood warnings!
          Today was Work Party at S's in Neskowin. Here in Hebo it was sunny;  there, they had clouds, but it was warm and dry enough to work outdoors with friends.  I had brought 2 evergreen huckleberry plants and a Pacific crabapple (Malus fusca, see photos to right) from YCSWCD.  J says P. crabapple is a favorite of her husband T's - and that is great to hear as he's the one who helped me get started on this Tree a Day, with the alders at our Work Party in January.
          I planted these above the path that goes to Mom's house.  R and I worked up there, pulling ivy and blackberry, cutting back gone-wild (not native?) rose, evergreen huckleberry, honeysuckle, etc.  R made big, swift changes, and I was slow.  It looks really nice - neater but still wild and prosperous.

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