Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 4

          We went out at 9:00 a.m.  Beautiful sunny, warm day.  I cut and bent closed three new cages.  That's the last of my dump wire.  I need more soon!!  I took a cedar and 2 hemlocks - the last or our "large" AAUW trees, down to the riverside.  
          We came back to the house at 11:40.  This planting takes a long time!  Actually Rose was done before I was;  if I had to return to the wheelbarrow - left where the tractor road to the bottoms gets deep ruts and I could go no further - she was right beside me and heading up to the house.  When I finally headed up for real, I couldn't find her.  Of course.  Thinking she'd thrown in the trowel, I went ahead and took the wheelbarrow shovel, etc., on up.  But, no Rose up there, either.  I went back down, a little concerned because we'd been working close to the neighbors' property to the west of ours, and they have at least one very aggressive dog.  I think Rose is alpha enough and territorial enough (and the neighbors' dog respects that), and I hadn't heard any growling, barking . . . . . but I love my dog.  Then, there she came from further up river, and was glad to come eat a snack and pass out on the couch near me.
          I spent most of my planting time clipping blackberry vines, making 'rooms' for new trees.
The first tree, the cedar, I put in very close to the property corner and the river.  A hemlock a bit further east along the river - a rocky place, and that's unusual down there.  I think that small area may be an old channel of a small finger of the river.  Very slow digging.  I though about giving up, but it feels like a good day for a-little-bit-at-a-time.  For perseverance.  
           The second hemlock I planted yet again further east along the river.  An alder is down right there - a young one, still blooming and leafing out.  I went between its trunk and some willows - trying for a place the deer might not try to get to.  Even with caging the trees, I throw cut blackberry vines over them, etc., to deter deer.  Anything to deter deer.
          I'm at 54 plants out of 63 days - 6/7's!!

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